Improv Happy Hour led by Carla Eisenstein was a delightful gathering for AMWA members. Drawn from diverse backgrounds, yet united by a shared passion for medical writing, we convened to enjoy an evening of fun and creativity while honing our communication skills.
Carla curated a series of engaging activities, ranging from simple warm-up exercises to innovative problem-solving games. The warm-ups set the stage for the subsequent improv session, with the highlight being the "Yes And" game. In this unique challenge, each participant contributed to a collaborative story by saying “yes” to the previous sentence “and” adding their own sentence. Within a theme. The result was not only entertaining but also a testament to our collective ability to think creatively on the spot.
The success of the improv games extended beyond their immediate enjoyment. They provided valuable insights for breaking the ice in various social and networking settings. Most importantly, this interactive hour facilitated a stronger bond among members, enhancing the skills crucial to our work in the field of medical writing. The Improv Happy Hour became a memorable occasion, seamlessly blending camaraderie and skill development.